Download the TechInvest Agenda

Thank you for your interest in Decarb TechInvest. Click the image on the right or, the link below to access the latest version of the agenda.

This includes the full list of speakers, their sessions with a timed agenda, alongside a reminder of who will be in attendance and why you should attend Decarb TechInvest.

If you haven’t already booked to attend, super early bird rates end Friday 19th July – save up to $1000!

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Front Cover

Download the FOAK Guide from Sightline Climate

Commercializing FOAK and Series B+ is the central focus of Decarb TechInvest, and so our Media Partner, Sightline Climate have provided us with a copy of their FOAK Guide.  Created for Founders and Developers aiming to launch their first projects, this playbook provides you with all the insights you need to go from FOAK to NOAK.

Key areas explored in the guide:

Venture to Project Finance Duolingo:
FOAK is the first step to Scale – read more on the challenge FOAK companies face, including the bridge to bankability, project execution and human capital, the capital stack and investment trends.

The FOAK Checklist – the 5Ps of FOAK:
People – An overview of a purpose built team and the roles required.
Pilots – The tech works, an operating project and modularity.
Plan – Scale of the the project, cash flow, bankability and permits.
Partners – Creditworthiness and reputation of partners
Persistence – You’re in this for the long game – the need for patience, resilience and persistence.

FOAK Financing: The Good, The Bad and The Eligible:
Review what each investor is looking for (The Eligible), the benefits of raising money from them (The Good) and the drawbacks (The Bad), and the companies who have done this before (The Exemplars)

Scaling from FOAK to NOAK and beyond…de-risked, scaled projects. Take away insights on how to speak to language of a NOAK investor who seeking growth potential. Understand the difference between FOAK and NOAK: goals, finance, structure, terms, products and processes.

View now >>


View the Sample Attendee List

Thank you for your interest in Decarb TechInvest. See below the sample attendee list.


In conversation with...Frederic Clerc Director, Carbon to Value Initiative and Interim Managing Director at Urban Future Lab

Ahead of Decarb TechInvest, Alex Cameron, CEO & Founder, Decarb Connect invited Frederic Clerc, Director, Carbon to Value Initiative and Interim Managing Director at Urban Future Lab to join her on the Decarb Connect podcast.

This isn’t a public episode yet and only those interested in Decarb TechInvest can access.

Click here to listen to the episode >> 

Urban Future Lab (UFL) run an accelerator programme and has welcomed 170 companies over the last few years…and from this alumni group of companies, they have gone on to raise more than $2.5bn. So, if you’re an investor, strategic, start-up or scale-up this conversation is worth a listen as we discuss how UFL delivers high start-up to scale-up climate tech successfully.

You’ll hear about the hardtech landscape that Fred and the team focus on and what they have learned in the last few years about the drivers of success for climate tech. UFL works with early stage companies helping them scale both the tech/IP of their solution, but also the commercial partnerships and business models they need to scale essential climate tech through series A, B, C and beyond.

Click the link above or image below to listen to the episode:

DCTI24 - Podcast Background (1)


Review our 'Ones to Watch: Start ups & Scale ups 2024 Report'

To support investors and financiers in identifying these innovative tech disruptors, we’ve compiled all of the applications we’ve received across the Decarb Connect North America and Decarb Connect Europe 2024 Next Gen Awards. Bringing to you a Startups and Scaleups 2024 Report, click the image on the right or, the link below to access.

View now >>


Start ups & Scale ups 2024 Front Cover

Catch up on-demand

Working with Carbon Capture Journal, we supported a webinar focused on Direct Air Capture.

In this one hour webinar, we heard from some of the most exciting companies. They are all past the seed funding stage and open to bigger scale investment.

Click here or on the image below watch on-demand >>

HQ: London
Technology: Systems for (DAC) using fluidised carbon absorbing minerals. It is testing a pilot scale system, planned to be operational in June 2024, at which point it will be the largest DAC system in operation in the UK.
Partnerships: Building a 1,000 tonne CO2 per year facility in partnership with Coca Cola, providing air-captured CO2 for use in soft drinks.

HQ: Essen, Germany
Technology: DAC systems, where CO2 is absorbed in a liquid sorbent solution, and desorbed either using electrolysis, or using waste heat. Hydrogen is also generated in this process.
Partnerships: It has plans to install a 100 tonnes CO2 per year facility in Canada in partnership with Montreal company Deep Sky. Greenlyte has $10.5m funding in a “pre-series A” round.

Parallel Carbon
HQ: New York and Manchester (UK)
Technology: DAC which captures CO2 with calcium hydroxide powder, which is regenerated using concentrated acid and then a concentrated base, produced using a water electrolyser to break the water molecule into acids and bases.
Partnerships: It has $3.6m seed funding announced in January 2024, led by Aramco Ventures.

HQ: Delaware / Israel
Technology: Process for DAC using fuel cell principles. Atmospheric air is drawn to a cathode, where an electrical current generates hydroxides which bind CO2 molecules to carbonate / bicarbonate ions. Only these ions cross a membrane to an anode. At the anode the process is done in reverse, hydroxides are consumed and pure CO2 gas is drawn out.

Watch now >> 

In conversation with...Eduardo Gomez, Head of CRH Ventures

Read Our Market Research Summary

Thank you for your interest in Decarb TechInvest. Click the image on the right or, the link below to access our Market Research Summary.

Our Decarb TechInvest Editor spoke with more than 40 individuals across the capital value chain, in industry and in technology. The write up that follows is a summary of those interviews – we hope you’ll reflect on it, feedback any areas that you perceive differently, and let us know if there’s something missing or someone you’d really love to see on the agenda.

Read now >> 


DCTI24 - Marketing Research Summary